A A THE GALVESTON DAILY NEWS, MONDAY. FEBRUARY 16, 1885. 3 A Safeguard. The fatal rapidity with which callglit Colds and Coughs frequently divelop Into the grovost of the and lungs, ta a consideration which should Impel evory prudent person to keep at bond, as a. bousehold Bottle of AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL.
Nothing else gives Immediate roller and works sure cure in all affections of this class. so. That eminent physician, Prof. F. Sweetzer, of the Mulne Medical Sobool, Brunswick, actenco has produced' no other ano.
dyne expectorant a0 godd AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL. It is invaluable for diseases of the. throat and lungs." The gato opinion Is expressed by. tho. well nowa J.
Addison, of Chicago, who havo Cover found, in thirty Ave years of continuatis and practies of mediolne, any proparation of so great value as A SEW A of tho PECTORAL, for trentmant of discoson throat and lungs. It not only, broke up colde and oures sevare. coughs, but is more effecuyo then anything 'else a in rolloving oven tho; most various bronchial sad pulmonary AYER'S Cherry Pectoral Is not a new for popular confi' but a' modicine whifch ig: to-dhy saving the "lives of the third generation who have come into being since' it WAS frat offered to the public. There is not a household in which this Invaluable remedy lins once been In; troduced where its use ever been abandoned, and there far not: A person who. has ever.
given: it proper: trial for any throat lung. disease. susceptible of cure, who has not been made well by it. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL Has, In numberless instances, cured: abstinate' cases of chronio Bronchitis, and even acute Pneumonla, and has, saved many. patienta In the earlier.
stages is of, Pulmonary. Consumption. It, F. medicine that only requires to be Laken in small doses, is pleasnet to the taste; and is needled children, in' as every there is nothing 50 good as bougo. where' there are, AYER'S CHERUY PECTORAL for treatment of Croup and Whooping Cough.
These are all plan. facts, which can. be verified by anybody, and should be re by everybody. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral: PREPARED BY Dr; J. 0.
Ayer Lowell, Mass. Sold by. all druggiats. A SE DR I Durham la historic It was central ground dariny the between Sherman and Johnson. Soldicra of both arnios Alled their pouches with the tobacco stored and, after the surreuder, marched homeward Soon orders came from East, Weat, North and South, for "more of that elegant tobacco." Then, ten nen ran on Now it employs 800 men, usea the pink and pick of the Golden Belt, and Bull is the trado-mark of this, the best to in the world.
Black wall's Bull Durham Sinoking Tobacco has the largest sale of any arboking tobacco in the world. Way? Simply because it is the beat, All dealora have it. Trado-mark of the Full LOOK OUTIE DURHAM BULL' If he'd unne for 1 packare of Blackwell' Smoking Bull Tobacco, an lie told, he wouldn't have teen cornered by the bull. The New Orleans Exposition is now in full blast: and complete Ent all departments. The delay and! annoyance 10 during few weeks was: caused by the unusually cold and wet weatber hayIng given very severe conghe and colds to the agers, officer and exhibitors, and thug disqualided' them for their duties.
But, the perll 'that: threatened the succoga of the enterprise, Marsden's Pectoral Balm. kindly came to the rescue and cured alt the coughs, colds and consumptions. and now things appear in proper shape, and exhibitors are.80 happy sad their throats so clear that they almost tail: Fou to death. For anle by all drusRists. Wholesale ageats: J.
SCHOTT THE THOMPSON DRUG CO. OLDENS BEEF TONIC Strengthening I la pronouuced by scores of the physicians, known and. by thonsands of people to he best remedy for Debility, Dyspepsla, Indigestion, Los of Appe Ate, Losa of Flesh, Lung Complaints, Female Weakness, Gastric Malarial Fever and many other diseages where tonics are requireddiffering essentially from all other Beet Foods and and retailers generally, at SE per bottle: 6 For De Tonirn. Sold by leading wholesale pot 115 Fulton street, New Yark. CORN WHY WILL ANY.
ONE SUFFER FROM CORNS when they can get a bottle of the GERMAN CORN REDO VER A certain and painlesa remedy for both Corna and. Bunions any druggist for 25: conta. There ATe worthless Imitations aimlar in name. Be sure to ret the GERMAN CORN RENOVER. Depot 115 Felton street; New Glenn's Sulphur Soap Improves the Skin HOES, SPADES, SPADING-FORKS.
GET YOUR GARDEN READY. Horsley Burck BUILDERS' HARDWARE, AR the latest and tools known to the trade at prices, FOR CASH. 65 MARKET STREET. has taken the 1ead Lit the sales of that class Cares in remedies. sad has elven 1 TO 6 DATS.
tumost universal satisfaccase Gauranteed SarI pet LA "MURPHY Paris, Ter' by the the put bs lie wed the now favor raaks of and Evans Ca. among the leading bedlcinca of tie Obto. A. Bradford, Pa. L.
SMITH. Sold by Druggists. Price 01.00. Use utter resting, for. indigestion.A perfect subfor tobacco: Ask tour druggist confect ine and Tolu' manufactur-.
loner for Colgan' genued by Colgan Te Ales, Louisville, Ky. SAMPLE LY EAT ON RECEIPT OF 6cts. Nate Li: 1 a Live Stock. Mexican Items, the Two Republics, Olty of There is a good deal of complaint concerning the modus operandi of the fifty canvassers who are doing thite city for signatures to the petition of Engineer Modina raterring to tho Introduction of water in this city. Those paid a day each, and each: has a certain pride in gathoring the most signatures But some of them, it is said, abuse and threaten people and them into signfog.
Two grave questions are worrying the city: fathers -water and two much tor, They to eroot water works to supply the city, of which blessing there le marked: "scaroity in Pachuca, acd at the aacco wish to: erect safeguords against the overflows- the river that useless stroom, but which undor curtain cirthe city, and, is gonorally. 'cumstinces, was the a few months. can destroy many lives and many thou-' worth of proporty. Carlos Chavarrla, a compositor in the priating 'office of the Corroo, of San. Luis Patosl, died mysteriously on the 23th of He was a.self obcking revolver to the other: compositors, and said.
the weapon useleas, it. would. shoot, And. he would prove it; Ho varned. the muzzlo toward big chest- and pulled the trigger; The revolver disappointed bin, and be died from the of the wound next day.
Some of big friends say. It was a caso, of. intentional sufoldo, La of Puobla. complains that tho' prefect of Tecall is at' large and has not been condemned: for a murder: he recently 1881 Captain, Dada secured a. concasdon from 'the' Mexican government, extonding over: a porlod of' ninety-nine Fears from 1ta.
I Phia. anthorized the structioi Tehuantepeo isthmus of a ship. radiway and a line of telegraph Ships and: merchandise in transit were by virtue of conceeston to be' exempt government duty; the concessionaire was to dave. acres of public land and be amply proteoted in the construction acd operation of the worla, surveys of tho' lathmua had been made' prior the date when the great engipeer took up the queation. Yet he made other surveys to.
satisty himself, and be.holds that all these surveys bave established the bility of ship rallway across the isthmus, The proposed raflway is to be about 130 Jong. Commencing, from the Atlantic the route will start from the Guil of Mexico, and the Coatzacolcos river will be. atilized as far as Minatitlan, twenty miles in in which the tide has A dow and ebb of eighteen Inches only. From Minatitlan the present to oross an illuval thon an undulating table land and. a succoasion of brood the whole forming an extensive interior baaln.
From this: basin the line. passes- through a valley to the plains of Tarita, the summit ot the route, and 730 feet above sea laval, From (be Pass of Tarifa the line deaconds to the Paciffe stope. The maximum gradient'. required to reach summit either aide is 1 per or 62.8 feet per.mile, but the groator part of the route will require a gradient of 20 feet per mile. Captain Bade sustains by strong arguments that his apparats for transferring the vessels provides completely against all danger of F63- sels breaking with the pressure of their cargoes when lifted from the water.
The Two Republica says: Tho present low rates: of: freights prevailing on all roada converging. at. El. Paso, is a matter of much importance to parties already interestad in the trade with this country; or looking in this direction with; a riow future commercial relations. On some staple articles of merchan which the.
margin profit is surali, the present low rates become an important fector and in the commerco with this country, The present low rates have been availed of by the merchante of El. Paso, aud it can be well underatood the differenco it makes to them on some articles, when it is known tint the cost of traneportation from San Francisco come of goods is now abont ore eighth of what it was formerly. In ISS1 the Texas Topolobampo and Pacide Railrond company was organized, and in 1883 the name American and Marican Ralirond compaoy was adopted by the company, the latter more perfectly expressing the international character and vast importance! of the undertaking The original concessfor from the Mexican government was obtained Juno 18, 1891, and authorived the conatruction and operationfar 99 years ct. Lines of from Topolabampo, in the state of Sinaloe, to Piedras Negras, 10 the state of Coabuita," OD the Texas border. The main line of this road, which will erosa the states of Sinaloa, Chibuabus and Coahuila, will' open up what is claimed to be the very best: portion of Mexico, the greater part of the distance of about toO illes belug through a region not only generally adaptable to grazing, but to a high state of cultivation.
One of tue schemes of the company is to cultivate a strip of land, eleven acres per mile, an each side of road, for a distance of say thirty-llve miles from Tobolobampo harbar to the Fuerto river, 88 a model farm, devoting alteranta half miles of the distance to oranges, leraons, alfulfa, water being brougur for parposes of irrigation from the Faerto river through a patent composition pipe two feet in San Antonio Stockman: An informal meeting of, stockmen was beld In this city on day. last, to consider the matter of establishing meat refrigerator works at San Aatopio. A desultory talk revealed the fact that the gentlemen present, who represent large wealth in- sheep. -and cattle, reelizs Cho nevessity ot an enterprise of this And the impression among them ssomed to be that it should. be controlled by stockmen.
It ITAS announced about of atock: had already been. subscribed; and a committee; consisting Dr. Carothers, Tom Deweess, Colonel F. P. Hord, Rachal, Joba T.
Lytle and 'Charles was appointed to solicit additional subscriptions, and to sop arrangement regarding. freight rates on meat shipments can be made with the railroads It 1988 decided organize until grock to the amount of $150,000 is subsoribad, to permit stookholders pay 25 pei cent. of their subscription in cattle or steep. Sheep and Wool. The Brady Sentinel says chat parties at Burnet are offering IS cents wool, to ba delivered at that place after spring shearing.
Domestio wools are graded into two classes, irrespective of grade, viz: clothing and combings wool, but clothing finer quality aod shorter in staple than' It is ueed in the manufacture of the Gner grades of yarns. New Zealand. farmers are able to raise and feed five to seven sheep per acre, baside taking off a crop of wheat, oate or. barley. The sheep are turned out on the spring and summer PA3tures, which last until the approach of winter.
When the grain is harvested the stubble is plowed up, and rape or turnip seed sown broadcast. This speedily germinates and excellent winter feed. Froat a slugle tree 192 bread fruits have been gothered, the' averuge weight of each fruit being over two TO ARRIVE: 5000 BAGS COFFEE, EX BARK BASIS. 5000 BAGS COFFEE, EX BRIG AMAZONE. We also offer for shipmeat direct from Kansas to 'all points in the Stace, PROVISIONS, GRAIN, FLOUR AND MEAL.
Cur.own Mile and Elorator. HAWLEY HEIDENHEIMER PILLE bave Cor 30 CELEBRATED years been recommended by the leading PhygicIans DEHAUT'S: of Parly as the Best Purgativo full diroc.tions accompauy thom. PURGATIVE The Bigaaturo 4 Dehaut -Sg into the bottom of HAUT. each 147 Genuine Ru0 du Box, DE Faubourg St: Denia, Paris. 1 ACUGET 30 N.
Willam N. I TEE TEXAS EXPRESS COMPANY'S Reduced Rates on Shipment of HINT Pounds aud fader to the Followiar via: PACKAGES, PER POUND AND OVER FROM 19 1940 Over ABA0 GALVESTON 018 5 7 91. 08 TO 03 to to 04 04 to 3 03 93 80 Austin Allen's 35 Allerton Arlington. Arcoln Algiers, 40 Al La. In Big Bayou Balton Brownsboro.
Beldim B. Rouge, Boston, Mass: Palla. 41 3 CArDeron 30 35 CHiton Chappel Corsicans Clarksrillo. Clear Columbus. Corpus Crosby.
Chicago Crowley, Chac'onia La Cheneyvitte. Denison De Kalb Dodd City Dickinson. Dodge. Donal'rle, IA Deleon Dol Duval. 601 El D.
Reple Dortne Eilinger. Eastland Bernard. 3393 Elgin. Funks. Enolval Elkhart.
UR Eagle P'a 04 Flatonia, Fort Worth Franklin, Tex: Franklin, La Gilmer Garrets Gidding: Greet beock. Grope Georgetown. Laod, SMS Grand Saline G'nd Prairie. Hous Bundley. Honey Grove Harrisburg.
Hondo Cits. 90 1 Henderson Hutto. Jewult Iredell. GAR Jennings Jennerette, Li Kiteen Kaufman Kerana "Klonoy Kilgour. Kans.
Lafourche, LaGrange L. Charles, Liberty-, A Lacoste 8 Louisville, Mt. Pleasant, Hearne, Dickissa. Mexia. Marion Marquez.
Mar MIneol 10 Meridian Morgan City, Mesaulte MA. New Orleaus: Necker. How New Over. on. Operous'8, La 25 Palmer Palestine a Pilot Pecue City A 90:1 00 501 Queen City, Ranger.
Reagau. Round Rock, Rogers, Rosenburg. 3328 Spn Antonio. Straw Sweet Stroveport. Schulenbury Water, 90 I Boring Ban Bour Marcoa.
050 1 Spring. 80 Berra Blanca 00 1: Bt. Taylor Trialty 25 Thompson. Van Alaryne, Valley Milla. Wortham.
Weatherford Wills Washt'n; In. 60 When the value la. aver $60, add. for distances under 600 mlles or 1 aver 500 miles and not exceeding 1000 miles, 14 of 1 per cent, Shipment made TO al In Canada and Europe. FORE eugine.
9 grit mills, 2 corn shellers, will buy 3. bollars, 20-borge large pump. Will not sell separate. Apply KENNEDY MILLER, Houston, Tor. TREMONT HOUSE, HOUSTON, To this people of Taras, visiting Houston: the Tremont table you.
comforts will best elegantly ail at furolshod. rooms: the Central location; street cars to all depots. A. HENS, Proprietor. H.
WADDELL, Wholesale and Retail Dealer I In Furniture, Carpets, 10 and 33 Mala 8t. Warehouse 84 Frankit M. HOUSTON, Write far Ilustrated Catalogue and Price: List. Special figures to country deaiors. E.
P. TURNER, Attorney and Counselor at Lam, No. 30 Con groan 52,, Houston, Texas, Practices in the State Courts at Houston, Buprome, Appellate and District Courts as Galveston, DR. 1 M. PERL, General Practitioner, HOUSTON, TEXAS.
ADOTION SALAD. AUCTION SALE COTTAGE FURNITURE. ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16, AT 10 A. ML, on the premises, south side avenue between 34th and 35th streets: TWO BEDROOM SI1ITS. PARLOR FUIT.
CARPETS, Phades, Dining room nud Kitchen Outfits. Bedding Abd miscellaneous Furniture. Also, Mason Hamelin Parlor Organ. All nearly, now, and will be sold without reserve. LYNCH PENLAND.
LABADIE. E. Largest and Best Stock of All Kinds of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, complete in every respect. Can furnish Cooking. dowd to the smallest, aud ugeful articles used in kitoben or diuing-room.
Crockery, Glassware and China we are headquarters on. Now folks Just Atting out will save money uy buying from their household necessitice. Decorated Dinner Sets. China, 125 places. 00 Eight and ten quart Milk 10 Dish Flue Butcher Koffe and 50 Fine ivory-handle el Carver, in 1 00 Chopping Koi Rat Trape Blouse Fine Cross-cut Circle Saw Block Ares reduced Steel Ecissors.
large Pruning Shears LArgE File and 1000 steal, long bandle Cheap Spades, Rakes, Hoes. FOR SALE. OFFER FOR SALE THE FOLLOWING LANDS belonging to the estate of W. J. Hutchins, deceased, viz: 1,107 acres, Shubal Liaron losgue, Brazoria county 1.107 scree, Geo, Robinson league, Brazoria couaty, acres, league.
Brazoria county, 408 J. P. league, Brazoria county, 1,476 acres, A. league, Jackson F. Edwards league, Johnson coucty.
4.428 acres, Austin Williams Joues county. 1,180 acres, Thos. Ivory league, Montgomery Co. 809 acres. James.
Croft league, Burleson county. 1,284 Ew lug' Burleson county. 640 acres, Brazorla county. 840 acres, W. J.
Hutchins survey, Callahan Co. 840 acres, Mo Whorter surves, Freestone county. 640 acres, B. B. O.
R. R. survey, Harris Co. 890 Wm. Jones survey, Barris county.
acres. O'Brien survey, Harris county. Devine survey, Harris county. acr's sur. 81, 221, 1661 Menard Co, acres, 22 sections, sections, bliz.
-10, 11. Jebiltree county. county. 14,080 14,080 acres, sections, bIk, 10. Lipscomb couaty, Besides smaller lots of land in various other counties.
Also city property in Houston, Galvaston and Persons desiring information please eddresa nde at Houston. A. S. RICHARDSON, Erecator. WOOTAN WELLS, ROBERTSON COUNTE, TEX PEN SUMMER AND.
WINTER, ONE AND ope-balf miles from Wootan Juuction. on the Bouston and Texas Central rallroad, 1-10 miles. north of Houston. Street cars meet all day trajas. Inquire at all Houston 401 Teras Central railroad chices for excursion tickets.
Acknowindged the at mineral water in the South. Fag cared sonde, many of them considered Board Address 56 WOOTAN week. WELLS to COMPANY, Wotan Welle, for analysis aud otter information. lotel be ander new management. WATER EXPRESSED C.
Dr. Laville's Remedies are tho must cortuin for the cure of Gout and Rheumatism pamphlet sent North Druggists by the William generally. agents: Now EN York; BAYOU CITY LOCALS. THE FIRE-DUG DANCING IN JAIL. Resigned.
Ni- Flashes Promised TO Tar NEWs.1 HOUSTON, 'February Opera house rink distributed the prizes yesterday. afternoon that were. won at the skating carnivalnt last Wednesday evening. BE- FUT I COUNTY JAIL. Patrick Boyles, the -man who made two etforte last night to Are the city Jail, will be to the county for sate-keeping.
The hospital: offalals: dealined receive such a Are bug Hate ondoubtedly crazy: This. 'afternoon Peter was visited by. Tar News correspondent and' another newspaper Although the in the cell: was cold; Peter was stripped, to. bla: drawers and was in the sot of performing: some of the most of dancing. batiare you: for, Peter!" WaS aaked "Exerclaing to.
keep. warm. I' frequently! did this in After dancing, through the call for a abort: time. he' stood on biB head th the middle of! the floor; moving bie feet In the air'as: performing a -Finishing his exorcises, he: wagi why he attempted. to burn the jali, andl replied: wanted to warm up, and would barethe cell: this morning; but concluded' to: behave myself.
to The-olerk of the prison: said Peter. want caught in ap attempt to fire his cell this Although lie was -closely soarobed 'lasti night after each atteropt, a search this mora-: sing showed that. bo. had secreted: in almost every portion of his Once inl the county jail, his efforts at burning blankets! will no doubt subject him to the horrors of al long-established and relentless kangaroo. court! and ita dire penalties: A' straight jacket will be nothing to compare to the's swift retribattoni af the kangaroo RESIGNED -HIS- TOBITION: F.
A. Lehre, who. has. been night clerk at' the Capitol hotel for' the past' law months, re-' signed him. position, und.
will leave: for. Springs, Ark, he will. enter the servicei of the Arlington. Mr. Lebrs is a very popular' young: man, and 1 in-bis position as night olerk: of the Capital, has made many warm friends.
The Arlington will recolye: the services of an! efficient and courtadus young mAn. PATRIOR'9 DAY VISIT. The -Houston Dramatic club havoi made arrangements to visit. Galveston on thei 17th March. (St.
Patriok'a Day) and plasont. the play of "Robert Emmet." tha'au. spices of the Ancient Order of' Hibernians, HEADLIGHT FLASHES. Eight aleepers went on the Sunset ryatem: this evening for the World's exposition: George F. Lapton, south western: paRsenger agent: of the Queen and Creacent: lIne, removed from 43 Main street, he bus gone into another 42, D9xt door; his office is now ini the room of the -general' ticket offloo of the Suneet route; the conventent corner of.
Main and PERSONALS, Middlebrook, of Village Mille, is registered at the Autobins. A Crosaman, of Galveston, is a gusatat: the Capitol, W. A Smith: L. B. Eastham and Eugene of Huntaville, are in the city and.
stopping at the Hutchins. W. B. Scarborough and tamily and 0.. Scarborough, of Waco, are guests at the Capitol.
C. Poster, of Caldwell, is registered at: the Capitol. Cavitt, rapresentative of Brazo9: county from the Fifteth district came in today, Ele will leave for Austin In the ing. Captain D. D.
Dawson, sheriff of Braz58 county, arrived in the city this evening, is en route to attend the meeting of the sherassociation in Austin. Max London. Corsicana; Charles: P. Chase, Boltimore; A. W.
Evans, New -Fr Jouard; Sc Louis; Ef. Helbronner, Philadalphia: J. W. Flandere, Lowell; Mrs. Protaman, St.
Clond: W. G. Van Vieot, San Antonio; M. leans; Miss G. E.
Bucher, Laredo; G. LamNowman, New York; Mia. Appleby, New. I Orpasse; A. King, Belton; R.
C. Parter, Caldwell: W. J. Rogers and lady, Texas; Charles Fretz, Dallas; F. C.
Case, St. Louis; R. M. Robertson, Baltimore; Henry B. Myers, New Orleans: E.
C. Griffitha, Chicago: John W. Smith, Burliugton; Charles -C. Rosenberg, Philadelphia; Sam F. Drako, La Grange, are: at the Capitol C.
E. Meyer, Chicago, Til. C. EL Langdean, Dallas; P. Faber, Galveston, Harrisburg end Houston railroad; W.
Bachrach, St. Louis; W. B. Milton, Now Orleans; A. R.
Lee; T. J. Eppener, Livingston; Oswald S. Parker. Dallas; John T.
Mitchell; New Orleana; G. A Koehler, Galveston; J. W. Davis, Dayton; M. Af.
Kemp, Cameron; J. C. Wilson. Camaron; J. T.
Cox, Belton, 8. H. C. Cooke, Kimball; Florence McCuller, Kimball, Tex; 8. Thompson, Fort Worth; J.
D. Stratton, Dallas; -Miss Josie Cooke, St. Louis, Mo'; Davenport, Montgomery, J. W. Davis, Dayton, L.
A moons, Brenbam; J. T. Ficklee, Eagle Lake; H. Strauss, E. Ultey, San Antonio; Jas.
Deny van, Missouri Pacifo railway, St. Louis; J. Huey, Texas, are at the HutobioR. BURRELL, newsdealer, 17 Main Houston, TEs NEws branch ofice, 48 Main street, Houston, is now prepared to deliver the paper to any. part of the city betore: for $1 per mouth, in advance.
in Toxsa, Orleans TimesDr. C. D. Cleveland, a cousin of the presi-. dent-elect, now a resident' of" San Francisco, pessed through Loufe Fri lay last en.
route from Texas to' Washington City. After the inauguration he will visit the World's expostion in this city. Cleveland is Mia. sourian, and was born' in Howard county. in 1824.
Heretudied medicine at Louisville, where be: graduated under Drs. Grogs, Randall add -all eminent in their.day. In 1818 Cleveland. went Madison county, Miss, and was in practice. thara the Californle gold fever broke out.
He then made. up the Arst company from that State, and went out to Cali fornia as leader of. the company in 1840. He bas resided in California ever, since, with the exception of two years spent in Europe, basides having made the trip east across the con.tinent seven times, and spending some time in the South and Texas. Cleveland, ing of sheep-raleing in Texas, says it will.
be a great factor in the productions of the future. It 18 estimated that 8,000,000 shepp lest year yielded: 40,000,000 pounds at wool, and at the rate of increase within ten Fears Texas will Field 100.000,000 pounds of wool, and in' of its improved value it will bring double the amouct of money which it dees now. says a. large part of Texas is permanently a wool- growing country. The, the grasses the character of the climate favors the production.
of the beet grades of fleece: In truth, Texas La the native bome of obe-Spanish merino, and the wool of this animal will improve aa much to Texas as It d'd' in old Spain, when sheep were exported to that country. What Diarried Mon Loara. Winks--I can't. see now it is that chickens can sleep ou a rooss without fulling off, Mr. Winks- Habit; my' dear; nothing else: Chickens, like people, can get 11sod to anything.
"Oh! There. is no resemblance. between the two. human sleep that way. As BOD Ag one sleeps one loses consciousness.
you know." "Yes; but, all the. some a married mon with a now baby econ learns how to sleep on the outside without At this. point. an' infantile yell was heard, the meeting adjourned. SIXTY-FOUR years ago; yesterday, Bazard's bay was entirely frozen over between New and Wooda- Holl.
The thermometer degrees below zero at on that morning. Ir costa more to print A Arin any other 8 ate in the Union, LITTLE la the best Smoking Tobacco SPECIAL NOTIONS. Notice--A weting of. the stockholdurg of Chia Gulf City Anilwoy and Real compsoy will be hold in the hall over tho store of C. Jolmos No.
12 Mariot atreet, on WEDNESDAY NIGHT, TILE 18TIC INSTANT. at. 7 o'clocio. A full attendance requeated, WERATER, Recretary. S.
O. M. MARDI. GRAS. INVITATIONS FOR MAUDI GRAB DALL CAN Do obtained at LOUIS MARK'S CIGAR STORE, Trepiopt and PostoMee, Fur the accoramodazion of laboring people and employea, the Island City Savinge bank will bo kept open between the boura of 6 AND ST.
to give all such depositors 021 opportunity to alga the agreement recommended by the depositors' committee. Notice- Galf, Cotorado and Santa Fe Hallway, Secretary's ONce, Galveston, February 4, -The andual meeting of the siockhedders of the Gulf, Colorado and Banto Fa Railway company. will ba held at the office of 4110 company, in the city of Galveston, on TUESDAY, MARCH 3, 1885, at 12 o'clock noon, for the purpose of oloctinz die rectore to serve for the year cobulog, and for the transaction of other business. The transfer books of the company will be closed from the 20th of February until tho 10th of March Inclusive. WATERS 8.
Secretary. CROCKETT, January 23, 1885, To ALL OF THE STATE: By request of a large number of the Bbortis of the different countfes of the Blate, A CONVENTION OR MEETING OF SHERIFFS is bereby called to MEET IN THE CITY OF AUSTIN, OR THE 10TH DAY OF FEBRUANY NEXT. Tue object is to renew our organization and attond to such other matters as may come before tho the body. All are urgently requested to attend, F. E.
BAINE, Sherif Houston County. NOTICE. The Galveston Gas Company. All ordors or complaiate. receSTe prompt tentiou, should be left at the office of the Company, in tho brick building on Market Street, bet.
24th and 25th Between the hours of Band 12 o'clock a. m. ALA. BOTTLAR. Recretary.
THE RECENT MARKED TENDENCY OF TALE popular taste for. glu rusulus as much trom the tact that it is susceptible of being an admirable adjunct of mixed or fancy beverages, ay that Ic La AD almost infallible specific for all affcodons, the Incrunse of which is as romarte be as it la alarming. WOLFE'S SCHETDAM AROMATIC SCHNAPP3 is the best form In which to take it, as it in diuretic, Sonic, a polamblo stimulant and an agreeablo exbilarant, Patrons shonld Inak for the W. A. 8.
lehl. No, 1555. FATE the STATE Sheriff OF or TEXAR any Constable of Galreston 'County W. J. Frederich, edministrator with tha will nexed of the estate of Caroline deceased, having Med in our County Court Jus tinal of the condition of the estate of said Hellmers, deceased, together with AD application to be discharged from said administration! You are bereby commanded.
that by publication of this writ for at least. twouts day's in al per regularly published in the connty of Galvestan, you give due notice to all persons fo the dual account of said estate to Ole their obfensiou thereto, If any they hare, on or beforo tho Merett term of said County Court, commencing cad to 08 bolden at the court house of said county, in the city of Galveston, on the Arst Monday In Unrel, A. 1655, when said account and application will be considered by enid court. Witness, P. 8.
Wren, clerk of the County Cones of Galveston county. Given under any band and scal of said court, at my in the city of Galveston, this 27th of January, A. D. 1935. P.S WREN, Clerk C.
C. G. Co, A true copy I certify: REAL P. OWENS. Sheriff of Galreston Co, FRAUDI CAUTIONI! Many' Hotels and Restaurants refl thi.
LEA PERRINS' bottles will 8 spurious mixture and SERVE IT AS Lat: Porrins' Worcestershire Sauce. THE GREAT SAUCE OF THE WORLD. LEA PERRINS 'Imperta LuG most delicious tosto and gest to EXTRACT of a LETTER from MEDICAL GEN- SOUPS, TLEMAN nt Madras, brother GRAVIES, at WORCESTER, May, LOA PER- FIST, thint their snuco 1s highly cs NOT COLD teemed in India, and is in my optit- MEATS, 1om, the most paletablo, n.g well. as GAME, the most whole some sauce that let made." Lea Rignaturo JA 02 every of GENUINE WORCESTERSHIRE Said and a3ed throughout tho world. JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS, AGENTS FOR THE UNITED STATES NRI.
VAILK. LADIES ONLY! ban JEST luminaled TOD. TREATISE ON DEVELOPMENT OF YAG PEMALE RUST," colored plaio, full explanation, modical opiulone, eto. Bhowe that andorelopedor abrunken oonGillou 1s abnormal aud 012- Esallhy; bow to anis to full And proper proportions Bate, simple, absoloraly oortala. (Other portions and meD bare darolored by al tailor procoar,) A copy of this vAloablo Look mojiad la contad envelope for 20 cil.
Addrote D. D. 178. RUPFALO. N.
1 KENTUCKY JACKS. ITAVE TWO KENTUCKY JACKS; WILL DIS. I pose of Buyers can bare cholco. Ono will be seven and the other eight years next apring. Tho roughly acclimated and purpoons warranted.
G. If. BUSSE, Hooray. Tex..