Best Outdoor Cushions for Your Patio Furniture (2025)

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  • Prepare to Measure
  • Measure Outdoor Cushions
  • Measure Outdoor Furniture
  • Measure a Chaise Lounge
  • Outdoor Cushion Shapes
  • Outdoor Cushion Styles
  • Outdoor Cushion Fabrics
  • Outdoor Cushion Fabric Patterns

Prepare to Measure

Best Outdoor Cushions for Your Patio Furniture (1)

A good way to start shopping for new outdoor cushions is to determine what size cushions you’ll need. Measure your existing furniture or the cushion you’re replacing. Either way will work, but measuring your current cushion helps you get the most accurate measurements possible.

Measuring outdoor furniture allows you to customize the cushion to fit a certain piece. This method is great for furniture that didn’t originally come with outdoor cushions, or if you’re looking to switch styles. All you need is a tape measure and a way to record your measurements.

Measure Outdoor Cushions

Best Outdoor Cushions for Your Patio Furniture (2)

Cushion measurements include height, width and depth dimensions. It’s best to get all three measurements so you can know how the new cushions will sit. For worn cushions, please note the specifics at the bottom of this section.

Height: This refers to the thickness of the seat cushion. The height can also affect how the seat functions, but it really comes down to your personal preference. Think in terms of style and comfort when taking this measurement.

Width: To find the proper width, measure from the left side of the cushion to the right in three different areas. The easiest way to do this is to measure across the middle of the cushion, then measure across the front and similarly across the back. Use the widest of these measurements for the official width.

Depth: The depth, also known as the length, is found by measuring the cushion from top to bottom or from back to front. Consider the height of the people sitting on the furniture. When someone has short legs, a long cushion might make their feet dangle off the ground.

If your cushion is well used and worn, keep these tips in mind:

  • Depth: Cushions look best when flush with seating, so using a shorter one is fine.
  • Height: If the cushion flattened with use, the height you go with may be greater than the number you measured.
  • Width: Of the three measurements you took, use the smallest measurement.

Measure Outdoor Furniture

Best Outdoor Cushions for Your Patio Furniture (3)

It’s best to measure the height, width and depth of your outdoor furniture yourself. The manufacturer’s measurements can be a good estimate, but they might have measured differently. The exact dimensions you’ll find are more reliable for cushion shopping. Also, note any raised edges or ornamentation that might affect how the cushion fits.

Height: Think about how thick you prefer your cushion to be when measuring cushion height. Here is where style comes into play, as you can choose a thin cushion for a sleek, contemporary look. If you want a more plush, comfortable feel, choose a thicker cushion.

Width: Find your width measurements by measuring a few different areas. Measure the seating area between the armrests, across the back of the chair, between leg rests and between any raised edges.

Depth: To find the depth of the back rest, measure from the top of the chair back to where it meets the seat of the chair. For the seating area, measure from the back of the seat to the front. Subtract the height of the cushion from this measurement so it’s not too tall once it’s all together. Remember, the vertical back cushion sits on top of the horizontal seat one.

Once you find a cushion you like, just measure your furniture to the dimensions of your new cushion. You may want to make cardboard templates of the cushions to help visualize them on the furniture.

Measure a Chaise Lounge

Best Outdoor Cushions for Your Patio Furniture (4)

A favorite for lying in the sun, a chaise lounge is perfect for relaxing but more challenging to measure. You can find the right outdoor cushions for a chaise with your tape measure and some patience. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • When measuring your chaise lounge, also measure for the break to prevent gaps. Simply measure from the bottom seam of the cushion to where the cushion is designed to bend. Don’t forget to measure the back rest, chair seat and leg rests for steamer styles.
  • The top-to-bottom, back-to-front method helps to ensure you get the full depth of each break.
  • If you have your original chaise lounge cushions, measure those for the best fitting replacement cushions.

Outdoor Cushion Shapes

Best Outdoor Cushions for Your Patio Furniture (5)

The five most common cushion shapes for furniture are rectangle, contoured or U-shaped, trapezoid, square and round. We recommend going with the shape of your original cushion. If your outdoor furniture doesn’t have a cushion yet, choose the cushion shape that best fits your piece.

Some furniture, like benches, chaise lounges or chairs with deep seating, may not easily fit within the five shapes outlined above. Taking accurate measurements will help you find cushion shapes that mix and match to fill the space.

Outdoor Cushion Styles

Best Outdoor Cushions for Your Patio Furniture (6)

Now that you know what size cushion you need, you’re ready to choose which style. Piping, tufts, rounded or sharp edges are all options to consider when picking an outdoor cushion.

Box edge: These cushions have straight, angular sides, like a box. They tend to feel more rustic or traditional. Box-edge cushions may have piping, that narrow tube of fabric along the seam, but not all of them do.

Knife edge: These cushions have a single knife-width seam on the cushion side, and the fabric curves to meet it. Knife-edge cushions look clean and classy.

Bullnose or waterfall: Bullnose-style cushions have rounded edges, offer a more casual look and are the most cost-effective option. They’re sometimes called waterfall cushions because the edges curve into a waterfall shape.

Fasteners: Some cushions fasten in place so they don’t shift too much or fall off the furniture. Ties or hook-and-loop fasteners are commonly seen on outdoor cushions. They’re great to have if you live in a windy area.

Tufts: These accents spice up a plain cushion. The fabric is drawn tight and sewn down into a divot, creating a dimple in the fabric. You’ll see some cushions with button tufts that are accented with a button in the dimple. Others have Euro tufts, which have a dimple in the fabric but no button.

Outdoor Cushion Fabrics

Best Outdoor Cushions for Your Patio Furniture (7)

Outdoor cushions are made to withstand the elements. They are often water- and sun-resistant so the fabrics won’t break down too quickly in the heat or rain. Choosing the right fabric for your cushions depends on the type of furniture.

For example, cushions that will be in full sun near a pool require a different fabric than those on a shady porch in a dry climate. Some people prefer to store their cushions when not in use to prolong the fabric’s lifespan. However, because these cushions are made for the outdoors, you’re welcome to leave them outside. Just keep in mind that they’ll wear faster in the sun than in the shade.

Polyester is light, airy and cost-effective. It’s resistant to UV rays, stains and mildew. Polyester outdoor cushions are great for sheltered areas in a shady patio or veranda. It doesn’t do as well with moisture as acrylics or more heavy-duty outdoor fabrics.

Acrylic fabric is more durable than polyester when it comes to water and sun resistance. This outdoor upholstery fabric tends to be in the middle in terms of price and product lifetime.

Specialty brands use fabric blends with the traits of regular polyester but with more benefits. These fabrics dry more quickly and fade less. Specialty outdoor fabrics are made to weather the rain and intense sunlight. They’re more expensive but hold up better over time. Specialty outdoor fabrics can also feel more luxurious than plain polyester.

Outdoor Cushion Fabric Patterns

Best Outdoor Cushions for Your Patio Furniture (8)

Another large part of the aesthetic you’re creating depends on the fabric.

  • Solid colors within one color family give a classic look to furniture and cushions.
  • Stripes are often more whimsical, and the look varies with the stripe width.
  • Floral patterns match a wide range of furniture colors and other decor, such as accent pillows or outdoor umbrellas.
  • Busier patterns such as checks, plaids, trellis or other prints will each give a different feel.

Experiment with combining different cushion colors and pattern choices to make your outdoor space your own. Your imagination is the limit.

Now that you’re all set with measurements and prepared to find new cushions for your porch furniture, we’re ready to help. The Home Depot delivers online orders when and where you need them. Choose the right cushions for your outdoor furniture and relax in style and comfort.

Best Outdoor Cushions for Your Patio Furniture (2025)
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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.